Other than coming to terms with spending Christmas without my parents, Christmas was very good to me. Ted decided to spoil me and give me lots to do on my maternity leave. My latest toy is my computer that he picked out. I finally have a desktop of my own as opposed to a work lab top. Main reason for getting a MAC is all of the photo capabilities and we all know how much I love my photos.... With a new camera, new computer oh and a new baby on the way, I will have plenty to do during my 3 month leave. Gosh how my family and friends will be so annoyed of the overflow of pictures they are about to receive... But I must continue my Mom's love for pictures. She documented every year of her life, our life....and the pictures she has left behind have helped me a great deal. They've taken me back and allowed me to reflect on the wonderful times, not just the sad ending. I've said this before, but Mom printed pictures immediately. If I took good ones on my camera while visiting, she'd make me drive her up to Target so I would get them printed for her. Then she usually made a little album or scrapbook.
I went out yesterday and picked out this perfect little desk and chair from West Elm, which fits perfectly in our guest bedroom. Decided it would be best to keep my desk separate from Ted's office. Plus it's such a small footprint, it will be nice to have for guests when they stay with us. And we hope to have lots of guests this upcoming year.
If anyone is a whiz out there on Mac computers, let me know! I would love to become a pro at this and take advantage of all it has to offer.
Today I went to my weekly doctors appointment and everything is fine. I'm dilated a centimeter and she has dropped but we're hoping she stays in there for another 4 weeks! We'll see......
Tomorrow is New Years Eve, another one of Mom and Dad's favorite celebrations. Always celebrated in Harrison, MI. Ted and I have spent a few NYE's up-north, the millennium was actually spent with just Ted and I along with my brother while my parents attended their annual party. Then one year recently, our friends Melissa and Nick came up with us and we had a great time. My parents took us around to all the local bars and we ended with a fun dinner and champagne back at the house.
This year has certainly flew by and I couldn't be happier to say good-bye to 2008. However, it also means the last time I saw my parents is becoming further and further away....sooner or later, it will be an entire year that has gone by....that's hard to swallow.