Thursday, October 11, 2012

A busy Fall...

We had a nice weekend in MI..was able to catch up with my Sister, watched the cousins play together, caught some of Aydan's hockey game, meet our new niece Violet and took the kids to the cemetery for my Parent's 35th wedding anniversary. We would have had a party - or at minimum, took them out to a nice dinner. I feel so sad my parents didn't get to further celebrate their years together. They took "till death to us part" to a whole new level. I am happy that they never had to experience life without each other. I think that part brings some comfort as I am not sure how they would have survived on their own. I think it would have been so painful to watch as a child seeing your Parent heartbroken. They would have suffered. But, it doesn't make this any easier.

It's important for my kids to still be connected to my parents...Elle enjoyed the cemetery. We left flowers, a pumpkin and a balloon. And every time we see an Angel, or hear the word Heaven she yells with joy something about my parents (her Grandparents in Heaven). Harry ran around the grass stepping on their gravestone...without a clue what we were actually doing there. It bothers me tremendously they won't know my parents like I did. They were so funny and loving....and would have been a huge part of their lives.

A busy Fall it has been and it's not slowing down this month...this weekend we are hosting a fun little Fall happy hour with our friends and their kids. Next weekend I leave for Texas to attend a conference but before it starts, I get to spend a few days with my Aunt Lisa (Mom's sister) and my cousin Tracy and her husband. I am so excited to be there and explore a little of Dallas. My Mom was there about a year before she died for my Aunt's wedding. They had SUCH a blast, the pictures were so much fun. They converted my Aunt's home to a reception and danced the night away in her living room. My Mom was such a loving Sister - she always made the effort.  Then, the next weekend I will be back in MI for a friend's baby shower, then visitors in Cincinnati first weekend in November and our neighborhood block party then a suite with my company at a Bengals game....lots and lots of activities going on. Keeping busy is how I survive. Our mornings and nights are crazy after a long day at school for the kids and work for us....but it in the end it all works out....hustle and bustle works for our family.

Praying for Justin ...I am fearful some of his symptoms are coming back, his paranoia in particular, after several years of making so much progress. I feel so sad for my Brother and his fight against mental illness. I wish there was more I could do.