Sunday, July 6, 2008

I have so much to tell you...

We are exhausted from the weekend and I won't get the pictures on until tomorrow after work, but I can't wait to share our weekend. The biggest event was Aydan catching his first fish off Dad's dock! I said to Aydan, "Papa would be so proud". He replied with a grin, "they're watching me". Gosh, if we would all just stop and listen close to the five year olds in the world...we sure would learn a lot.

Your laughter, kindness and hospitality was missed this weekend. It's not the never will be. I have to admit, it's very hard for me to be there. I sit there and almost wait for you to run out of the house with food on a platter to grill or I picture Mom from the Lake through the kitchen window washing dishes or sweeping the sand off the patio. But it's your voices that I miss the most. You'd be amazed how quiet it is, even when Uncle Stan comes by to visit. It's just so quiet.

Talk to you tomorrow with details of the weekend at the Lake.

With love,

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