Monday, February 27, 2012

over it. I swear.

After being rather bothered today, I'm over it. Everyone is different...and what's important varies by individual. I cannot make anyone do anything even if I think it is the most fun special idea ever. Ever since my parents died, I even more so crave togetherness, family, friends, special moments for my kids with their family...the problem is our family is small & the invite list has shrunk significantly - so much has changed, the dynamic we once knew is no longer and there is distance to a lot of our family and friends. I envision cousins sharing the same birthday cake, family & friend vacations where everyone's schedules (and wallets) are the same and everyone can go, I dream of everyone attending each other's special events... I guess, even if it's my own fault, feeling like I have to be the planner, the one to take initiative to keep everyone together is often draining and it impacts me emotionally. And so my Mom is looking down and saying, "then stop doing it! forget about it! Do your own thing! Do what's important to you!". I get it Mom, I really therapist even confirms that I am a very family centered person almost to a fault. My expectations that everyone else will be the same is setting myself up for disappointment time and time again. But I always wonder why I am like this.

From this day forward I pledge to do my own thing whether it ends up being just my kids, my husband, my dog (and likely Chris and Aydan) then I need to be OK with this. Everyone has lives...everyone has their own plans...their own agendas...I have amazingly special, supportive friends who love us from a distance and here locally.... family who no matter if they can be present or not for special events always send such generous things and thoughtful cards to let us know how much we are loved.

I think back to almost 4 years ago. I was more carefree (with some OCD of course) life and thoughts and expectations have changed so drastically since Mom and Dad died but also by having my own children. I hope I will always be there for others and to be able to tell if someone else really needs me as well and know when those special moments are critical to embark on. I would hate to disappoint someone without knowing it mattered so much. I wish my heart was more open these days, I shut down and stick to myself sometimes but it's only because I am bothered or sad. I wish I could breathe easier, be more relaxed, go with the flow, and not to feel so heavy at times with this darn tragedy on my shoulders. They say one day it will lift If I let it but I hang on to it because I am so afraid to let go. It would be so much easier to only remember the good times and what amazing parents there were. But, it's just not that simple.

Off to start planning a possible upcoming dinner party, finish my playroom ideas so we can start ordering some stuff, Easter dinner menu for our house this year and something memorable to make 4/7 less sad, search for ideas to pass on to my Sister-in-law for her baby shower, "pinning" fun mason jar drinks to serve at Harry's 1st birthday lunch in MI, find fun creative outdoor activities for the family reunion in CT and get working on a fun picture banner to display our family photos (many of which I haven't met and cousin(s) I adore that I cannot wait to give the biggest squeeze ever to), and start the planning for my Sister's nursing graduation party (she hasn't even passed yet and is currently working her @3$ off) which is literally over a year away but I get SO gitty of the thought of her finally graduating that it makes me SO happy to envision this event. Mom and Dad will be so proud. Maybe this is my problem...I plan too much, my expectations are too high.

What's my problem?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

the kids

The kids are growing so fast...Harry is just all smiles at 8 months and so chill even though the little guy cannot catch a break from these nasty colds!! Even after tubes, coughs and colds are always a possibility (thanks to school). The hope is his ears will now drain the fluid but it still bums me out when he's sick. I picked him up today and he was on his belly playing.....and this picture of your Dad and Harry just melts my heart...his only great Grandparent and only alive Grandparent from our side of the family. I hope he lives for many years to come so he can be here through the times that you and Dad cannot be.....I need him here, actually. I know how badly you want to be here. And Miss Elle - here she is in dance...I remember Chris and I and all of our dance recitals.....last Saturday was the first class that I didn't have to walk her in and comfort her before joining the circle of "dancers"...she literally let go of my hand and ran in and sat down with her little dancer friends. I was sort of sad. This is only the the beginning of them growing up, becoming independent and not needing me yet I know she'll always need me just in different ways. As Ted said to me today as we were talking about the kids and them being sick again..."it's our job to keep them healthy & safe and that's it"...

Then Ted asked me if we had a Doctor for us. Ha, as if we have time to see Doctors, it's all about the kids! "Why?", I asked...he then said he has been experiencing irregular heart beats similar to what his Dad faces. So acting like I wasn't afraid I made a note to call a Doctor tomorrow to see if they are accepting new patients. Such silly thoughts as he is fine but I immediately think the worst imagining if he died at 33 of a heart attack. He's so healthy, works out not once but twice a day. But maybe it's too much. I don't know... but we are not the young kids we once were Mom and Dad...we are adults now and need to have checkups and be certain we are living a healthy life....I miss being a kid. Even though I am so blessed with my children, our careers, friends and everything else....I miss that 28 year old that would fret over the stupidest things (as if I knew what problems were back then!), had parents to whine and cry to, laugh with and be proud of me and my accomplishments. I will say it until the day I die... I miss being a daughter....but I sure do love being a MOMMY. I know how happy that would make you.

Watch over us.

All my love,
Your daughter

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I got promoted today Mom and Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Miss sharing all the good, stressful, exciting times with you. I am tired today. I had a great visit with your Dad, my Grandfather this past weekend. He is so special. I am so happy he was the best Father to you and still amazed at the relationship you had. How special. I see the pain in his eyes when I talk about you and Dad....he misses you guys so much. I cannot even imagine his deep sadness even though I myself have it too. Burying your oldest daughter and your loving Son-in-law you did everything with. I just can't imagine. We miss you so much...we all do.

I know you are proud of me, well, at least today.

All my love,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I wish there was an easy solution

It's already February.....time has just been flying since the Holidays. I know April is nearing and I really have come to grips that April will always be difficult. April will always remain my families' 9/11. What I do early on in the year is book myself silly with plans....girls weekends, weekends with friends, vacations, home renovations and now of course lots of events with the kids (dance, swimming, etc) to keep focused on other things. But it's always there....and recently, it's been bothering me even more as we think about what the future holds for the lake house in Harrison, MI. I love Harrison....I've been going there since inside my Mommy's belly....and I started appreciating the true beauty and peacefulness after I married Ted and we'd go up there and hang out with my Parents and be in pure relaxation mode (while my Parents busted their butts to entertain and keep the property up). Now with their loss, we've inherited not only their home, but all of the responsibility that comes along with it. And our distance to Harrison, is creating a problem. A problem I hate to admit....and it's causing me to think, do we need to sell the lake. Is it best for my Family and while she won't agree right now, is it best for my Sister's future? It's such a heartbreaking decision as I know we are holding onto this place for all that it parent's favorite place, more of their things, and all of the fun memories we can still picture when we are up there. But it's not all FUN memories, it's actually really painful being up there. They weren't suppose to both be gone already and I hate that this young I have to be thinking about these type of decisions when they should be retired, still living. I don't want to have to make the decision to sell it for practical reasons as it is very emotional but the older Sister/first daughter in me is pulling me to be practical and to think in those terms as hard as it is. I know deep down most of my Parent's family hates watching us girls trying to manage all of this and candidly, watching the lake deteriorate. I cannot see hiring out for everything to maintain this place when we are using it only a few times per year and all along while Christina is busting her a** to get through RN school and support her Son. It just doesn't make sense financially. On the flip side, we would NEVER get what this place is truly worth to our Family and I would hate to live with regret or to have that guilt and to not have a place to take my kids that is still MY families. That is so important to me.

No one can tell me what to no one understands all of the dynamics involved. I feel as if right now I am in a no-win situation. It's painful if I keep it and it causes a lot of work, pressure, worry but some enjoyment with my kids and memories and glimpses of what my Family was before the tragedy and also a place to take my family to remember MY folks. If I sell it, I could still go to Harrison to visit our Family and stay at Grandpa's but then potentially regret it and have guilt. I know this is the closest we will ever be to MI....with both of our careers we will only go further I have to keep that in mind. The bottom line is there is no easy answer. Cleaning out another home of my Parents, even not being involved with their home in Allen Park, would be more heartache and cause sadness for my immediate family. But, I worry non-stop about the lake as it sits there...not being the end of the day, I need my Family to agree with the decision that is made and we need to be supportive of each other knowing we never wanted to be put in this position.

I continue to be amazed at times at how "everything else" in my life has turned out. Yes, I have everyday pain of carrying their loss, and my involvement and worry with my siblings (both for different reasons obviously) but the good I do have is really good....we have been so blessed with our children, careers and our quality of life and ability we have to travel and enjoy life with friends and within my new family. I hope the good stuff in my life continues and that each day brings my Family closer to peace that Mom and Dad are in a GOOD place and believe that they are watching over us. I just miss them so much and I continue to miss the involvement and role they played in my life.

Harry and Elle are doing great - our sweet boy will undergo ear tube surgery at Children's hospital on Valentines day (2 months younger than Elle when she had this same procedure). Hoping this brings much needed relief from the nasty ear infections he continues to get. Elle continues to be a sweet kid, while she is bit territorial at times and has the typical drama of a three year old, we are amazed at her kind nature. I worry at times that she isn't sticking up for herself (yes, this happens at 3 years old!!)....but I am hoping we'll continue to assure she has amazing self confidence throughout her life.

Lastly, my heart was so touched yesterday when driving the kids home from school. One of Elle's songs said the word "heaven" in it. Elle caught it instantly and yelled, "heaven!!! gramma and grampa are there". Not exactly what I ever pictured but sweet that she remembers, we talk about it and I know it will be important to her (one day) in life and she'll understand the impact they had on others and my willingness to go on with grace after tragedy. But deep down I pray I can continue to do this with "grace"...some days are harder than others and sometimes I think I am tricking myself and swaying myself in other directions to not face the true sadness. Have I really accepted their death and the way it happened? I really do not know.

All my love, Melissa